
2013 “Nahua Intellectuals, Franciscan Scholars, and the devotio moderna in Colonial Mexico.” The Americas 70 (2): 203-235. download pdf

2013 "A Banned Sixteenth-Century Biblical Text in Nahuatl: The Proverbs of Solomon." Ethnohistory 60 (4): 759-762. download pdf

2013 “Las guerras invisibles: Respuesta a Piazza.” Historia Mexicana 247, 62(3): 1267-84. download pdf

2013 "Historical Linguistics." Oxford Online Bibliographies in Anthropology. New York: Oxford University Press. web site

2010 “Zapotec Time, Alphabetic Writing and the Public Sphere.” Ethnohistory 57 (1): 73-85. Special Issue: Graphic Pluralism. download pdf

2009 “Archivos, narrativas y silencios historiográficos sobre la extirpación de idolatrías en Nueva España.” Jahrbuch für Geschichte Lateinamerikas 46. download pdf

2009 "Escritura y disención: Resistencia y cosmologías alternas en el México colonial." Revista de Indias 69 (247): 81-104. download pdf

2009 “Los cantos zapotecos de Villa Alta: Dos géneros rituales indígenas y sus correspondencias con los Cantares Mexicanos.” Estudios de Cultura Náhuatl 39: 87-126. download pdf

2008 (with co-author John Justeson). "Eclipse records in a corpus of colonial Zapotec 260-day calendars." Ancient Mesoamerica 19 (1): 67-81. download pdf

2006 "The Passion According to the Wooden Drum: The Christian Appropriation of a Zapotec Ritual Genre in New Spain." The Americas 62 (3): 413 - 444. download pdf

2002 "Idolatry as an ontological question: Native consciousness and juridical proof in colonial Mexico." Journal of Early Modern History 6 (2): 114 - 139. download pdf

2001 (with co-author Kimbra Smith). "La etnohistoria en América. Crónica de una disciplina bastarda." Desacatos 7: 11-20. (Special Issue: Ethnohistory). download pdf

2000 "Naming the Trinity: From ideologies of translation to dialectics of reception in colonial Nahua texts, 1547 - 1771." Colonial Latin American Review , 9 (1): 21 - 47. download pdf

2000 "De cantares zapotecas a 'libros del demonio': La extirpación de discursos doctrinales híbridos en Villa Alta." Acervos: Boletín de los Archivos y Bibliotecas de Oaxaca , 17: 19 - 27. download pdf

1999 "La idolatría letrada: Un análisis comparativo de textos clandestinos rituales y devocionales en comunidades nahuas y zapotecas, 1613-1654". Historia Mexicana 194, 49 (2): 197-252. download pdf

1999 "Una fuente vaticana inédita sobre la rebelión tzeltal de 1712: La Sucinta relación de fray Gabriel de Artiga al Prior General dominico (1713)". Anuario del Instituto de Estudios Indígenas , Universidad Autónoma de Chiapas. download pdf

book chapters

2014 "Religion in the Pre-Contact New World: Mesoamerica and the Andes." The Cambridge History of Religion in Latin America. Virginia Garrard-Burnett, Paul Freston, and Stephen Dove, eds. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (forthcoming).

2014 “Native American Religions.” In The Princeton Companion to Atlantic History. Joseph Miller, general ed. Princeton: Princeton University Press (forthcoming).

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2014 “Language and Ritual.” In The Cambridge Handbook of Linguistic Anthropology. N. J. Enfield, Paul Kockelman, and Jack Sidnell, eds. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (forthcoming).

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2013 “Un género doctrinal híbrido: los libana (cantos cristianos) de Villa Alta.” In Historia Documental de México, volume I, revised edition, 185-233. Miguel León-Portilla, ed. Mexico: UNAM.

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2013 “Cristo en la Sierra Norte: La reinterpretación del cristianismo en un género ritual y musical zapoteco. In Ritual sonoro en catedral y parroquias, 203-229. Sergio Navarrete, ed. Mexico: CIESAS. download pdf

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2010 “Sacred Time and Colonial Authority: Representations of Spanish Rule in the Zapotec Calendars of Villa Alta.” In The Conquest All Over Again: Nahuas and Zapotecs Thinking, Writing, and Painting Spanish Colonialism, 206-225. Susan Schroeder, ed. Sussex: Sussex Academic Press.

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2010 “Reclaiming the Conquest: An Assessment of Chimalpahin's Modifications to López de Gómara's La conquista de México.” In Chimalpahin's Conquest: An Indigenous Historian's Reading of López de Gómara's La conquista de México, 17-34. Susan Schroeder, Anne Cruz, Cristián Roa, and David Tavárez, eds. and trans. Stanford: Stanford University Press.

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2010 "Autonomía local y resistencia colectiva: causas civiles y eclesiásticas contra indios idólatras en Oaxaca." In Los indios ante los foros de justicia religiosa en la Hispanoamérica virreinal, 95-110. Jorge Traslosheros, ed. Mexico: Editorial Porrúa-UNAM.

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2009 "Legally Indian: Inquisitorial Readings of Indigenous Identities in New Spain." In Imperial Subjects: Race and Identity in Colonial Latin America, 81-100. Andrew B. Fisher and Matthew D. O'Hara, eds. Durham: Duke University Press. download pdf

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2009 (with co-author John Chuchiak). "Conversion and the Spiritual Conquest." In Religion and Society in Latin America, 66-82. L. Penyak and W. Petry, eds. New York: Orbis Books. 2010 Catholic Press Association Award Winner, 3rd Place, History.

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2008 "La cosmología colonial zapoteca a través de los cantares de Villa Alta." In Las lenguas otomangues y oaxaqueñas ante el siglo XXI, 35-57. Sebastian Van Doesburg and Michael Swanton, eds. Oaxaca: Fondo Editorial, IIEPO-INALI. download pdf

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2007 (with co-author John Justeson). "The correlation of the colonial Northern Zapotec calendar with European chronology." In Skywatching in the Ancient World: New Perspectives in Cultural Astronomy Studies in Honor of Anthony F. Aveni, 17-81. Clive Ruggles and Gary Urton, eds. Niwot: University of Colorado Press. download pdf

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2007 "Communal defiance, divided allegiances: Zapotec responses to idolatry extirpation campaigns, 1679 - 1704." In Religion in New Spain, 46-62. Susan Schroeder and Stafford Poole, eds. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press. download pdf

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2006 "Autonomy, Honor, and the Ancestors: Confrontations over Local Devotions in Colonial Oaxaca." In Local Religion in Colonial Mexico, 119 - 144. Martin Nesvig, ed. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press. download pdf

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2005 "Ciclos punitivos, economías del castigo, y estrategias indígenas ante la extirpación de idolatrías en Oaxaca y México." In Nuevas perspectivas sobre el castigo de la heterodoxia en la Nueva España, 37 - 56. Ana de Zaballa, ed. Bilbao: Universidad del País Vasco. download pdf

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2004 "Colonial evangelization and native resistance: The interplay of native political autonomy and ritual practices in Villa Alta, 1700-1704." In Interpreting Colonialism, 209 - 230. Byron Wells & Philip Stewart, eds. Oxford: The Voltaire Foundation. download pdf

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2002 "Letras clandestinas, textos tolerados: los intelectuales locales nahuas y zapotecos en el siglo XVII." In Élites intelectuales y modelos colectivos en el mundo ibérico, siglos XVI - XIX, 59 - 82. Jesús Bustamante and Mónica Quijada, eds. Madrid: C.S.I.C. download pdf

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other publications

guest editorship

"Etnohistoria." Desacatos, no. 7, 2002. Guest editor and translator for refereed journal published by Centro de Investigación y Estudios Superiores en Antropología Social, Mexico. download pdf

conference proceedings, catalogues, and encyclopedia articles

2009 "República de Indios," "Education in Ancient Mesoamerica," and "Art of Ancient Mesoamerica." Encyclopedia of Latin America, Vol 1. J. Michael Francis, ed. Washington: Facts on File.

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2004 Description of the Tovar Manuscript commissioned by the John Carter Brown Library for The Aztec Empire exhibition catalogue. New York: The S. Guggenheim Museum.

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1998 "Boundaries of Evangelization: From Ideologies of Translation to Dialectics of Reception in Early and Mid-Colonial Nahua Doctrinal Genres." Working Paper 98-11, International Seminar on the History of the Atlantic World. Cambridge: Harvard University.

(More about this seminar)

1997 "República de Indios." Encyclopedia of Mexico: History, Society, and Culture, 1255-1259. Michael Werner, ed. Chicago: Fitzroy Dearborn. download pdf

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1997 "La extirpación de discursos doctrinales híbridos en Villa Alta" Ciudades mestizas: Intercambios y continuidades en la expansión occidental, siglos XVI A XIX: Actas del Tercer Congreso Internacional Mediadores Culturales. Mexico City: CONDUMEX, INAH.