Sara Jane Spangenberger Kenney (Independent Program, 2014)
When ‘Someone is wrong on the Internet:’ An Exploration of the Relationships among Off-Record Language, Off-Record Identity, and Conflict in Online News Forums


Violet Cavicchi (Anthropology, 2013)
Mixing Genres, Mediating Values: Constructions of Latinidad in Spanish-Language Radio DJing

Andrea Fahmy (Independent Program, 2013)
A Linguistic Perspective on Higher Education Branding: A Case Study of Vassar College

Marissa Lorusso (Anthropology, 2013, second reader)
Selling Sex and Crafting Narratives: A Discourse Analysis of Nonprofit and Academic Texts On Sex Trafficking


Shawn Davis (Independent Program, 2012)
Contemporary Ebonics: The Link Between Speech and Identity


Maya Acevedo (American Studies, 2011)
The International Council of Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers: A Prayer in Motion

Lynne Ciccaglione (Anthropology, 2011)
Contemporary Notions of Cultural Patrimony: Yale University's Retention of Contested Materials from Machu Picchu. (Awarded departmental honors)

Ann Danforth (Anthropology, 2011)
Evangelicalism, Gender, and Father-Daughter Purity Balls (Awarded departmental honors)

Lauren Dyson (MEDS 2011)
The (Im)possibilities of Zapatismo: Contesting Power in the New Global Mediascape


Sophie Beckwith (Independent Program, 2010)
English United?: Language Ideologies in the English Premier League

Toby Fox (English and Computer Science, 2010; second reader)
Computing Metaphor: Integrating Corpora and Language Resources to Automate the Interpretation Metaphors

Sharon Scoble (Independent Program, 2010)
Bilingual Speech in the US: A Comparison of Spontaneous Code-Switching and Media representations of Spanish/English Bilingualism

Rosa Speranza (Anthropology, 2010; second reader)
‘Our language is backward-looking.’ Piemontèis in the Bay Area: Language, Nostalgia, and Identity


Mariel Boyarsky (Independent Program, 2009)
“Is There a Feminist Pornography? A Study of Language and Gender in Erotic Literature”

Rebecca Ramaswamy (Independent Program, 2009; second reader)
“The High Stakes of Low Linguistic Tolerance: Discrimination against Language Minorities in No Child Left Behind through High-Stakes Testing”

Katt Tolman (International Studies 2010)
Negotiating Between the Particular and the Universal: Zapatismo and the Anti-Globalization Movement


Juanita Aguirre (International Studies, 2007):
The Potential Effects of the US-Peru Free Trade Agreement on Peruvian Development

Kelly Graham (Geography/Anthropology, 2007; second reader):
The Asphalt and the Favela: A Critical Examination of Contemporary Urban Segregation (in Brazil).

Lindsay Martinez (Latin American & Latina/o Studies and Sociology, 2007, co-reader):
The Utilization and Development of Indigenous Identity in the Zapatista Movement As Seen Through Public Symbols, Self-Representation and Their Literature Between 1994 and 2005

Jean McCalmont (International Studies, 2007):
Engendering Hope in a Gendered Revolution: An Examination of the Women's Movement Within the Zapatista Revolution

Lisa Strumwasser (Anthropology, 2007):
Unsympathetic Determinants: The Mechanics of Deportation Legislation(Awarded departmental honors)

Monica Whitcher (Independent Program, 2007):
Multilingualism, Identity, and Education: A Comparison of US and Canadian Policy and Practice


Kate Blakeley (Independent Program, 2006):
Discourses of Afrikaans in Post-Apartheid South Africa

Adam Ovadia (Anthropology, 2006):
Signs of Place: Ideologies of Toponymy in the Hudson Valley(Awarded departmental honors)


Beatriz Herrera (English, 2005, second reader):
Translation methodology and Nahua poetic genres

2000 - 2003 (Bard College)

Leslie Holland (American Studies, 2002):
Treading Into Undiscovered Country: Champlain in New France

Emma Kreyche (Political Studies, 2003, second reader):
Post-Sandinista agrarian cooperatives in Nicaragua

Zachary Martin (Anthropology, 2003):
The preservation of political and cultural autonomy in Maya communities

Alexander Mignolo (Political Studies, 2003):
Land speculation in Buenos Aires in the late 19th and early 20th centuries