
Map Quest in the Washington Post

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In June I undertook a laser survey of Washington National Cathedral to learn more about the architectural refinements that had been incorporated by architects Philip Frohman and Donald Robb. I was accompanied by Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Philip Kennicott, the Art and Architecture critic at the Washington Post. His article about the study was published on the front page of the Arts & Style section of the Sunday, 17 August 2014 print edition; it was also published online.

Archéologie du bâti: du mètre au laser

Perspective has just published my 2012 article online.

Refining Bryn Athyn Cathedral

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I just published an article in the Glencairn Museum News on the incorporation of architectural refinements in Bryn Athyn Cathedral (Bryn Athyn, PA), inspired by the research of William H. Goodyear. I was able tu undertake a laser scan at Bryn Athyn in June of 2014, which supplied the basis for a new understanding of the refinements.