
Two reviews of Space, Time, and Narrative

 Here's a review of the Space, Time, and Narrative exhibition in the journal Chronogram, and another in the Millbrook Independent. From the first:

The exhibition at the Loeb Center is like a website come to life. The entrance to the museum becomes the ambulatory of a cathedral (the passageway behind the altar), complete with stained-glass window. Next, the alcove has been “painted” with projections of noted churches, using the high ceiling to mimic the vertiginous walls of a cathedral’s nave. Along the stairway are images of 500 years in the life of the Notre Dame Cathedral. On the rarely used mezzanine of the Loeb, high-tech exhibits allow the viewer to experience medieval architecture spatially. One stall employs 3-D glasses; an alcove hosts a spherical projection of Saint-Leu-D’Esserent, a cathedral in Picardy. Also on display are pieces from the original bequest that began the Vassar art collection in 1864, when Charles Magoon sold his personal artifacts to Matthew Vassar for $20,000. A rare volume from the Voyages Pittoresque series, published in 1829, employed the most up-to-date method for presenting architecture: the new art of lithography.

And from the second:

Vassar College’s Mapping Gothic France transplants its viewers to a virtual Europe, in order to appreciate the vindication of gothic architecture. To say the exhibition is interactive and engaging is an understatement….The exhibition not only provides the apex of panoramic photography, but it combines technology with art. The virtual experiences are interlocked with reprints of original photographs and writings on the gothic period. The exhibition is holistic and energetic….It is an unbelievable experience, rich in history and deep in artistic expression.