Moshe Cohen
Visiting Assistant Professor at Vassar College
Blodgett 112
Mathematics and Statistics Department
124 Raymond Ave. Box 257
Poughkeepsie, NY 12604-0257

research statement
curriculum vitae
teaching statement




Conferences and Workshops

Tips for Young Mathematicians

Biking with Mathematicians

My students should consult their course Moodle page for more information, especially my updated Office Hours

  • I will be teaching Multivariable Calculus in Spring 2019
  • See Teaching for the list of courses I've taught
  • Check out the mini-project I made for my Multivariable Calculus students making use of the Vassar's "augmented reality sandbox"!!!
  • Also see my Departmental Service page

For Publication News, see Research for complete list (or the arXiv or Google Scholar)

Invitation to join an undergraduate research project

  • Are you interested in participating in a research project? Do you just want to explore mathematics that hasn't been done already?
  • My proposed project relates to the following Vassar courses: Linear Algebra, Discrete Mathematics, any proof-writing course, Topics in Geometry, Modern Algebra.
  • The objects you'll be playing with are called "arrangements" (or collections) of lines.
  • I created a pair of Geometry and Topology Today videos discussing my mathematics for a general audience and for graduate students together with Scott Baldridge and David Shea Vela Vick. You can start by watching these videos and then emailing me to set up an appointment.
  • You can see a brief list of projects done with other undergraduate students on my Research page.

A community for knot theorists

  • I maintain a Facebook group for our community called Not KNerds, where knot theorists share conference announcements, upcoming deadlines, job postings, mainstream news articles, and photos.
  • Since 2016, I have used the group to share and distribute a schedule I made of all knot theoretic and topological talks at the Joint Mathematics Meetings. One goal of this project is to help welcome younger researchers into the community by notifying them of talks they wouldn't have known to look for. I have also organized formal meetups during the conference.
  • We started this group as graduate students when trying to coordinate showing up to the same conferences.
  • We are organizing an AMS Special Session at the 2019 Joint Mathematics Meetings in Baltimore.

Other useful information

  • Math Horizons is the undergraduate publication of the Mathematical Association of America. Unlike research journals, Math Horizons publishes articles of interest to undergraduates without an extensive background in mathematics. Come to my office if you would like to look through a stack of older issues.
  • See my Math Horizons page to see some of my previous contributions and some ideas for undergraduate projects in knot theory.

I am compiling a list of links on my Tips for Young Mathematicians page, with audiences ranging from undergraduates to graduate students to the general public.

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