Moshe Cohen
Visiting Assistant Professor at Vassar College
Blodgett 112
Mathematics and Statistics Department
124 Raymond Ave. Box 257
Poughkeepsie, NY 12604-0257

research statement
curriculum vitae
teaching statement




Conferences and Workshops

Tips for Young Mathematicians

Biking with Mathematicians

(Always) Under Construction

There are many tricks of the trade that make certain common tasks in mathematics easier. I will try to detail some of them here, providing links and some explanations.

For students, For knot theoritsts, For the general public,

For math majors and graduate students

Tips with TeX and figures:

For effective communication of data:

Professional materials:

  • Make a professional website! Find one you like and imitate it!
    (People who took my advice include: Kyle Istvan, Austin Scirratt)
  • Start building your CV as you go.
  • Make contacts with professors in your subject area... they might one day be colleagues

For teaching:

  • When you answer a student's email, make the question and answer available on your website so that you don't have to answer it again.
  • Make sure your students know How to Email a Professor (also here)
  • Share this with students who ask: "Did I Miss Anything?"

For going to graduate school:

For finding a job in industry:

On the job search in academia:

On mathematics for all:

AMS Blogs:

For knot theorists

Useful tools in knot theory:

Some knot-related "links":

Conference announcements:

Math blogs:

For the general public

Other fun stuff:

Some great fun and educational YouTube channels:



Math-related TV shows for kids:


  • Resources from Scott Baldridge, author of "Elementary Mathematics for Teachers" and "Elementary Geometry for Teachers" and the lead writer and lead mathematician for the Eureka Math/EngageNY mathematics PK-12 curriculum.
  • Bedtime Math, including stories that end with short math problems that you can read to your kids!