Paradigms of Jewish Leadership

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Friday Night: Moses, the Sun, Joshua, the Moon, and Us

The Talmud describes Moses as the Sun and Joshua as the Moon. These are intriguing similes, implying a relationship between the two, and inviting us to relate to each in a very different way. But why is this comparison made? Who comes off better? And what can we learn from the contrast between these two exemplary leaders about how to lead and how to follow in a Jewish community?

Shabbat Morning: Was Moses the wrong man for the Job?

Moses—from his upbringing, to his reaction to the news that Pharaoh knows something about him (what that something is will be an object of our scrutiny), to his encounter with God at the burning bush—seems absolutely ill suited to the job of supreme and foundational leadership of the Jewish people to which God assigns him. What did God see in him, how was God ultimately justified, and what does this mean for models of Jewish leadership in our contemporary communities?

 Third Program (Saturday Night or Sunday): 
Choose any listed individual lecture

   © Marc Michael Epstein 2012