Dangerous Scriptures: Patriarchs and Matriarchs


Friday Night:
Drunk on Divinity: Abraham and his God

It is soon after his self-circumcision, and Abraham sits beneath the terebinths of Mamre in the heat of the day, communing with God. As he does, three men appear before him, seemingly in need of hospitality. How Abraham acts, and how—here and elsewhere— he goes to the ultimate limit to care for his fellow human beings is a model and inspiration. But at what cost does it come?

Shabbat Morning:
“Man of Faith” or Homicidal Madman?
Abraham, his Family & Us

Abraham is certainly a man of faith and a paradigm of self-extension—in certain cases. In others, his behavior is inconceivably callous, and he seems to devalue precisely those he has valued previously in the narrative. Why does he behave the way he does? In what ways is he a model for how we should be? In what ways is he, perhaps, a model for how we should not be?

 Third Program (Saturday Night or Sunday): 
Choose any listed individual lecture

   © Marc Michael Epstein 2012