

September 11, 2002

1. The World's Labor Force by Broad Economic Sector, and by Continent and Region, 1960

2. Labor Force and GNP in Western Europe and United States by Sectors, 1969

3. Employment by Major Occupation Group, 1964, and Projected Requirements

4. Change in Employment by Sector, 1980-97

5. The Creative Class: The Class Structure, 1900-1999 (Percent of Work Force)

6. Wages and Salaries for the Classes


September 26, 2002

7. Three Factors of Corporate Organization


October 1, 2002

8. Manuel Castells, The Informational Economy


October 21, 2002

9. Textbook definitions of "race," "ethnicity," and "racism"

10. Fordism and Post-Fordism

11. "Powell and Rice Strike Back" (Associated Press, October 21, 2002).


October 29, 2002

12. Variables of the Digital Divide

13. Distance Education at Postsecondary Education Institutions: 1997-98


November 12, 2002

14. Increasing air travel


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