
All readings with full bibliographical citations are included in the coursepack for this course, unless otherwise hyperlinked or noted.




Tuesday, September 3



Thursday, September 5

Aronowitz, The Last Good Job in America: "Onto-History and Epistemology."  




Tuesday, September 10

Marcuse, Herbert. 1998 [1941]. "Some Social Implications of Modern Technology." Pp. 39-65 in Technology, War and Fascism: Collected Papers of Herbert Marcuse, Vol. 1, edited by Douglas Kellner. London: Routledge.

Bell, The Coming of Post-Industrial Society: pp. 3-33, 112-119, xxxviii-xlv



Aronowitz, The Last Good Job in America: "Capitalism and the State: Marcuse's Legacy"



Thursday, September 12

Bell, The Coming of Post-Industrial Society: pp. 123-164, 174-177, 186-195, 212-265.

Tables for discussion



Aronowitz, The Last Good Job in America: "Higher Education as a Public Good"



Tuesday, September 17

Bell, The Coming of Post-Industrial Society: chaps. 4-6, plus pp. 378-86, 456-489



Thursday, September 19

Castells, The Internet Galaxy: chaps. 1-2

Barbrook, Richard and Andy Cameron. 1996. "The Californian Ideology." Science as Culture 6(1): 44-72.

"To Gauge the Internet, Listen to the Steam Engine" (interview with John Steele Gordon, New York Times, August 26, 2001).




Tuesday, September 24

Take-home exam #1 due. 

In-class video: "Secrets of Silicon Valley" (2001).



Thursday, September 26

Dicken, Peter. 1992. "Global Organization and Reorganization of Economic Activity: Networks of Relationships." Pp. 189-227 in Global Shift, 2d ed. New York: Guilford Press. 

Carnoy, Martin. 2002. "New Technology and Job Markets." Pp. 14-55 in Sustaining the New Economy. New York: Russell Sage Foundation.

Table for discussion



Tuesday, October 1

Castells, The Internet Galaxy: Opening, chap. 3 (pp. 64-90, 100-115).

Bonacich, Edna and Richard P. Appelbaum. 2000. "Retailers." Pp. 80-103 in Behind the Label. Berkeley: University of California Press.  

"The Art of Office E-mail War" (Salon, May 9, 2002).

Table for discussion



Thursday, October 3

Castells, The Internet Galaxy: chap. 3 (pp. 90-100).

Sennett, The Corrosion of Character, chaps. 1-3. 



Tuesday, October 8

Sennett, The Corrosion of Character, chaps. 4-8. 



Thursday, October 10

Take-home exam #2 due.



FALL BREAK: October 11-20




Tuesday, October 22

Thomas Holt, The Problem of Race in the Twenty-First Century 

Tables for discussion



Aronowitz, The Last Good Job in America: "Race Relations in the Twenty-First Century"

Offner, Paul and Harry Holzer. 2002. "Left Behind in the Labor Market: Recent Employment Trends among Young Black Men." Washington DC: Brookings Institution.



Thursday, October 24

Castells, The Internet Galaxy: chap. 9

US Census Bureau. 2001. "Home Computers and Internet Use in the United States: August 2000" [PDF download].



Tuesday, October 29

Castells, The Internet Galaxy: conclusion

Aronowitz, The Last Good Job in America: "The Last Good Job in America"

"Classrooms Need Upgrades, Too" (Wired News, April 8, 2002).

Tables for discussion




Thursday, October 31

Select topics and teams for website assignment. 

Castells, The Internet Galaxy: chap. 6

"Yahoo's 'Opt-Out' Angers Users" (Wired News, April 2, 2002).

"Why Countries Make Sites Unseen" (Wired News, July 18, 2002).

"Using Terror as a Pretext" (Wired News, September 4, 2002).



Tuesday, November 5

Hosoya, Hiromi and Markus Schaefer. 2001. "Psychogramming." Pp. 559-575 in Harvard Design School Guide to Shopping, edited by C. J. Chung et al. Cologne: Taschen.

Leong, Sze Tsung. 2001. "Ulterior Spaces." Pp. 764-795 in Harvard Design School Guide to Shopping, edited by C. J. Chung et al. Cologne: Taschen.

"Smile, You're on In-Store Camera" (Wired News, August 8, 2002).

Rosen, Jeffrey. 2002. "Silicon Valley's Spy Game." New York Times Magazine, April 14, 2002.

"Family Implanted with Computer Chips" (USA Today, May 10, 2002).



Thursday, November 7

Take-home exam #3 due. 




Tuesday, November 12

Davis, Susan G. 2001. "Shopping." Pp. 163-196 in Culture Works, edited by R. Maxwell. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.

Plant, Sadie. 2002. "On the Mobile: A Lifestyle Report." Commissioned by the Motorola Corporation. [scroll down this URL for PDF or MS Word downloads]

"Mobile Junkies Reshaping Society?" (Wired News, October 9, 2002).

Tables for discussion



Thursday, November 14

Kraut, R., M. Patterson, V. Lundmark, S, Kiesler, T. Mukophadhyay, and W. Scherlis. 1998. "Internet Paradox: A Social Technology that Reduces Social Involvement and Psychological Well-Being?" American Psychologist 53(9): 1017-1031.

Turkle, Sherry. 1995. "Aspects of the Self." Pp. 177-209 in Life on the Screen. New York: Simon & Schuster.

Castells, The Internet Galaxy: chap. 4



DiMaggio, Paul, Eszter Hargittai, W. Russell Neuman, and John P. Robinson. 2001. "Social Implications of the Internet." Annual Review of Sociology 27:307-336.



Tuesday, November 19

Alderman, Sonic Boom

William Fisher, "Digital Music: Problems and Possibilities."

"Would You Download Music from This Man?" (Wired, May 2002).

"The Day the Napster Died" (Wired News, May 15, 2002).

"Where Music Will Be Coming From" (New York Times Magazine, March 17, 2002).

"Grudgingly, Music Labels Sell their Music Online" (New York Times, July 1, 2002).

"Tech Activists Protest Anti-Copying" (CNet, July 17, 2002).

"MPAA Snooping for Spies" (Wired News, July 22, 2002).

"Hollywood, Tech Make Suspicious Pairing" (by Dan Gillmor, San Jose Mercury News, July 20, 2002).

"Bracing for the Digital Crackdown" (Wired News, August 22, 2002).

"RIAA: Feeling Burn of Ripped CDs" (Wired News, August 28, 2002).

"Hollywood, Tech Piracy Efforts May Curtail Choices" (Los Angeles Times, September 3, 2002).



Thursday, November 21

Alderman, Sonic Boom

"Motivating the Masses, Wirelessly" (New York Times, July 22, 2002).




Tuesday, November 26

Joel Kotkin, The New Geography, chaps. 1-5.

Castells, The Internet Galaxy: chap.8 (pp. 231-241).



THANKSGIVING HOLIDAY: Thursday, November 28



Tuesday, December 3

Team websites due.

Joel Kotkin, The New Geography, chaps. 6-7.



Thursday, December 5

Gradesheets for team websites due.

Beck and Beck-Gersheim, Individualization: foreward by Scott Lash, chaps. 1-3.


Tuesday, December 10

Flexible project briefs due.

Beck and Beck-Gersheim, Individualization: chaps. 6, 8-10, 14.



Monday, December 16, 10:30 a.m.

Take-home exam #4 due.



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