Jews and Christians in Dialogue, Argument & Art

1) Lost in Translation: 
Between “TaNaKh (Hebrew Bible)” 
and “Old Testament”

2) Rabbi Hillel, Rabbi Jesus & the Impossible Commandment of Love

3) Bread of Affliction / Bread of Salvation: What was the Blood Libel really about?

4) Christ-killers & Cross Desecrators: 
Polemics in Jewish and Christian Art

5) The Jewish Jesus and the Christian Moses: 
Dialogue between Jews & Christians in Art

Jews and Christians share a common heritage, but they have been in theological and sometimes actual conflict over the centuries. As easy as it is to portray Christians as agressors and Jews as passive victims, the art produced by each group—sometimes aggressive, sometimes conciliatory, sometimes mocking, sometimes admiring, even occasionally hopeful— testifies to the very complex relationship between them.

This offering can be structured as a 3, 4, or 5 part lecture series.

   © Marc Michael Epstein 2012