FILM SERIES: Other Worlds- Jewish Mysticism & the Cinematic Arts


1) GOLEM! 
Der Golem, wie er in die Welt kam- Paul Wegener (Silent, 91 mins.1920)

Der Dybbuk- Michał Waszyński (Yiddish, 108 mins. Subtitles, 1937)

D'vekut, Chasidism and Jewish Mysticism - Willy Lindwer ( English, 62 mins., 2005)

An examination of the concept of the Golem—the humanoid mudman of Kabbalistic tradition, the Dybbuk—the possessing spirit, and the idea of mystical “cleaving” to God in Jewish art, culture, life and cinema. Screenings of (relatively short) classic and contemporary films with introductions, contextualizing commentary and time for questions following.

Any of these films can be screened individually as a stand-alone program with introduction, commentary and questions.

   © Marc Michael Epstein 2012