
August 29

"How Jack Welch’s Reign at G.E. Gave Us Elon Musk’s Twitter Feed," New York Times, May 21, 2022. 


September 5

 LABOR DAY: no class meeting.


The military-industrial complex

September 12

Mills, The Power Elite.


A history of big business

September 19

Porter, Gregg. 1973. Chaps. 1-2 in The Rise of Big Business: 1860-1910. New York: Crowell.

Marchand, Roland. 1998. "The 1930s: Save the System." Chap. 6 in Creating the Corporate Soul: The Rise of Public Relations and Corporate Imagery in American Big Business. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.


The corporate class

September 26

Domhoff, Who Rules America, Introduction and chaps. 1-3.

Scott, John. 2001. Chaps. 1-2 in Power. Cambridge, UK: Polity.


Capitalist policy networks

October 3

Domhoff, Who Rules America, chaps. 4-8.

Goodman, Peter S. 2022. Chaps. 1, 4-5 in Davos Man: How The Billionaires Devoured The World. New York: Custom House.



October 10

Harvey, A Brief History of Neoliberalism, chaps. 1-3, 5-7.


October 15-23



Scorching the earth

October 24

Leonard, Kochland (esp. Preface, chaps. 1-4, 6, 11, 13-14, and 16-25).


Corporate social responsibility

October 31

1-page term-paper proposals due.

Shabana, K. 2013. "Corporate social responsibility." In Global Social Issues: An Encyclopedia, edited by C. G. Bates, & J. Ciment. Routledge.

Ray, Victor. 2021. "Why Did Companies Take So Long to Divest from White Supremacy?" Harvard Business Review (blog), January 25.

Wuest, Joanna. 2022. "The Dead End of Corporate Activism." Boston Review (blog), May 18.


Financial capitalism

November 7

Foroohar, Rana. 2017. Excerpts from Makers and Takers: How Wall Street Destroyed Main Street. New York: Crown Business.


November 14

Part one of term paper due: case description and analysis.

Give 15-minute presentations of case studies in class.


November 21


Higher education for profit

November 28

Cottom, Lower Ed.


What is to be done?

December 5

Part two of term paper due: theoretical hypothesis due.

Readings TBA, as selected by the class.


Sunday, December 11: last day of study week

Final draft of term paper due.