


Thesis grades: Final senior thesis grades will be decided collaboratively by each student’s thesis advisor and seminar instructor (Ms. Batur or Mr. Nevarez).  Senior thesis grades will be determined by (a) your thesis advisor's evaluation of the finished thesis, and (b) your seminar instructor's assessment of your seminar performance. For the latter, seminar instructors will take into account a student’s course attendance, participation in class discussion and activities, the quality of work produced throughout the semester, as well as the timely completion of course assignments and meeting required departmental deadlines.


Departmental deadlines

Tuesday, September 30: Thesis proposals (including draft outline and annotated bibliography) are due at 12 Noon. An electronic copy should be sent to Ms. Terri Cronk (tecronk@vassar) in Word or as a pdf and also uploaded to Moodle.
Tuesday, November 25: A first chapter plus a revised thesis outline are due by 12 Noon. An electronic copy in Word or as a pdf should be sent to your Thesis Advisor. An electronic copy should also be uploaded to Moodle.
Tuesday, February 17: A first draft of your senior thesis is due by 12 Noon. An electronic copy in Word or as a pdf should be sent to your Thesis Advisor. An electronic copy should also be uploaded to Moodle.
Tuesday, April 14: The final draft of your thesis is due by 3 pm. A hard copy in a black binder (provided by the Department) should be delivered to Ms. Terri Cronk in the Sociology Department Office (and an electronic copy in Word or as a pdf uploaded to Moodle).




Special note:
Academic accommodations are available for students registered with the Office for Accessibility and Educational Opportunity. Students in need of ADA/504 accommodations should schedule an appointment with me early in the semester to discuss any accommodations for this course that have been approved by the Office for Accessibility and Educational Opportunity, as indicated in your AEO accommodation letter.


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Course description