The following will be available at the college bookstore and on reserve at the library.


C. Wright Mills, The Power Elite (Oxford University Press, 2nd ed., 2000).

John Scott, Power (Polity, 2001).

Glenn Porter, The Rise of Big Business, 1860-1920 (Harlan Davidson, 3rd ed., 2006).

G. William Domhoff, Who Rules America? Challenges to Corporate and Class Dominance, 6th ed. (McGraw Hill, 2010).

Wenonah Hauter, Foodopoly: The Battle over the Future of Food and Farming in America (New Press, 2012).

Jerome Himmelstein, Looking Good and Doing Good: Corporate Philanthropy and Corporate Power (Indiana University Press, 1997).

David Harvey, A Brief History of Neoliberalism (Oxford University Press, 2005).

Colin Crouch, The Strange Non-Death of Neoliberalism (Polity, 2011).