



January 22





January 24

The changing inner city of America

Halpern, Rebuilding the Inner City: Introduction. 



January 29

Axioms of American anti-poverty policy

Halpern, Rebuilding the Inner City: chaps. 2-3. 

Flad, Harvey. 1987. "A Time of Readjustment: Urban Renewal in Poughkeepsie, 1955-75." Pp. 152-180 in New Perspectives on Poughkeepsie's Past, edited by C. Griffen. Poughkeepsie: Dutchess County Historical Society. 



January 31

Halpern, Rebuilding the Inner City: chap. 4. 



RECOMMENDED: February 4, 5:30 pm, the Aula (Ely Hall)

An informal conversation with City of Poughkeepsie mayor Colette Lafuente, Vassar '63. Auspices of Poughkeepsie Area Vassar Club. 




February 5

Class visits Hudson River Housing (HRH); meet in front of Main Hall at 1:00.  E-mail Professor Nevarez field brief (#1) on this visit before class begins on February 7.

Stringer, Action Research: chaps. 1-5. 

Also, read Hudson River Housing website.



February 7

Class meets in GIS lab (Ely Hall 114).

Attend a community organization/event or HRH Budgeting & Credit Counseling workshop (tomorrow at 10 am) and e-mail Professor Nevarez field brief (#2 or #4) on this by Monday, February 10, 5 pm.

U.S. Census 2000 Summary File 3

U.S. Census 2000 Long Form Questionnaire [pdf download; needs Adobe Acrobat Reader to view]



February 12

Read other students' field briefs (#1-2).

Stringer, Action Research: chaps. 6-7.  



February 14

Class tours HRH's affordable housing developments; meet in front of Main Hall at 1:00. E-mail Professor Nevarez these field briefs (#3) by Monday, February 17, 5 pm.




February 19

Read other students' field briefs (#3). 

Homepath: Fannie Mae's new For Home Buyers and Homeowners website.

Dyson Foundation, "Many Voices, One Valley: Summary of the Findings, Dutchess County." [pdf download; needs Adobe Acrobat Reader to view]



February 21

No class; conduct individual fieldwork in the 2-block target area or at an HRH Home Club meeting, or interview an HRH staff member or client. E-mail Professor Nevarez these field briefs (#4-6) by Monday, February 24, 5 pm.

Samuels et al, Know Your Community, pp. 21-33.



RECOMMENDED: February 21, 4:30 pm, Taylor Hall 203

Urban Talk series. Rubén Martínez, "Migrant Matters: What the Newest Americans Tell Us About Ourselves." 



February 26

Tonight: HRH Home Club workshop on Financial Planning for Homeownership/Finding a Home (for field brief #4). Be sure to RSVP before attending.

Read other students' field briefs (#4-6). 

Denton, Nancy A. 2001. "Housing as a Means of Asset Accumulation: A Good Strategy for the Poor?" Pp. 232-268 in Assets for the Poor, edited by T. M. Shapiro and E. N. Wolff. New York: Russel Sage Foundation.

Samuels et al., Know Your Community, pp. 35-77.



February 28

No class; conduct individual fieldwork in the 2-block target area or at an HRH Home Club meeting, or interview an HRH staff member or client.  E-mail Professor Nevarez these field briefs (#4-6) by Monday, March 3, 5 pm.





March 5

Due: survey questions.

Read other students' field briefs (#4-6).  

Samuels et al., Know Your Community:constructing survey questions.



March 7



March 8-23: SPRING BREAK




March 26

Class visits Family Partnership Center to conduct pilot surveys; meet in front of Main Hall at 1:00.

Tonight: HRH Home Club workshop on Mortgage Loan Application (for field brief #4). Be sure to RSVP before attending.



March 28

No class: administer surveys in the 2-block target area.  Submit field briefs on this process (#7) or any other event to Blackboard by Monday, March 30, 5 pm.




April 2

Read other students' field briefs (#7).

Putnam, Robert. 1995. "Bowling Alone: America's Declining Social Capital." Journal of Democracy 6(1): 65-78.

DeFillipis, James. 2001. "The Myth of Social Capital in Community Development." Housing Policy Debate 12(4): 781-806. [pdf download; needs Adobe Acrobat Reader to view]



April 4

No class; administer surveys in the 2-block target area.  Submit field briefs on this process (#8) or any other event to Blackboard by Monday, April 7, 5 pm.  



April 9

Read other students' field briefs (#8).

De Sousa Briggs, Xavier. 2002. "Social Capital and Segregation: Race, Connections, and Inequality in America." John F. Kennedy School of Government Working Paper #RWP02-011. [pdf download; needs Adobe Acrobat Reader to view]



April 11

No class; administer surveys in the 2-block target area, or conduct individual data-gathering and analysis for the group report. Submit field briefs on this process (#8-9) or any other event to Blackboard by Monday, April 14, 5 pm.

DEADLINE: turn in all finished survey forms by Tuesday, April 15.




April 16

Read other students' field briefs (#8-9).

Oliver and Shapiro, Black Wealth/White Wealth: chap. 1, pp. 58-63, chaps. 5-6.

"Guess Who's Coming for a Mortgage?" (by Ishmael Reed, New York Times, January 16, 2003). [Find this article on Lexis-Nexis.]



April 18

Optional class session: Andy Lenec visits. Meanwhile, conduct interviews, finish surveying, and do individual data-gathering and analysis for the group report. Submit these field briefs (#9-10) to Blackboard by Monday, April 21, 5 pm.



April 23

Read other students' field briefs (#9-10).



April 25

No class: conduct individual data-gathering and analysis for the group report.Submit field briefs on this process (#10) or any other event to Blackboard by Monday, April 28, 5 pm. 



April 30

Tonight: HRH Home Club workshop on Home Insurance/Home Inspections (for field brief #4). Be sure to RSVP before attending.

Read other students' field briefs (#10). 


May 2

Deadline for first draft of class report to Hudson River Housing. 



May 14

Final paper due.


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Hudson River Housing