German 211


G211: Intermediate German (b)

German 211 is the continuation of German 210, an intermediate German course for students who have completed two semesters of college German. In German 211 we will practice the four language skills of reading, speaking, listening, and writing. More specifically, we will work on the following this semester:

bulletWriting a short essay every week which I will mark up and return to you. You can rewrite each essay and resubmit it in order to improve your work and you can choose to include each essay in your portfolio.
bulletEstablishing a portfolio which reflects you progress in the class. You can include what ever you choose in this portfolio. I will collect it four times during the semester (at the end of week 3, 6, 9, and at the end of the semester) and each time you need to include three pieces of written work and one cassette with oral work you did. For each piece of work you need to write a short critical paragraph explaining why you included a certain piece of work in the portfolio and how it reflects the progress you made in German 211. I will return the portfolio to you with comments.
bulletListening to German news broadcast on the internet twice during the semester together with a partner. You are responsible for listening to and understanding the news, selecting three important pieces of news from that week, and giving a presentation to your fellow students on Monday mornings.
bulletNachrichtenprojekt:: during the last three weeks of the semester we will be producing our own German news show which we will videotape. You will work with two other students on producing one segment of the news show that the class will put together as a project for this course.
bulletGrammar Review: just as last semester there will be a short grammar and vocabulary quiz at the end of each grammar chapter (about every two weeks).

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Page last modified: 10/29/03