Edited by Darrell Ubick, Pierre Paquin, Paula E. Cushing, & Vince Roth
Original drawings by Nadine Dupérré
This beautifully illustrated guide to the spider genera of North America, north of Mexico, provides over 1400 illustrations and keys to the genera in 68 spider families. Over 550 genera are included.

The 8.5 X 11" spiral bound manual contains 72 chapters and a wealth of information, including
  • an introduction to spider morphology, natural history, collecting techniques, and spider preservation methods
  • an overview of the current status and most recent developments in spider phylogeny
  • a key to the 68 families found in North America north of Mexico
  • keys to the genera in each of the 68 families
  • an etymological dictionary explaining the derivation of the names of spider genera and families
  • an illustrated glossary

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To Order: 
Amazon.com or BioQuip.com
