http://www.sws.org/ Society of Wetland Scientists

http://www.geocities.com/RainForest/Vines/3317/index.html homepage for Citizens for a Green North Towanda

EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) Websites:

http://www.fllt.org/ -Finger Lakes Land Trust - includes news, events, and information on local wetlands.

http://www.alsnyc.org/ -American Littoral Society - concerned about wetlands, oceans, and issues that affect the littoral zone, that area on the beach between low and high tide.

 Vassar College Ecology/Environment Links:
  • http://faculty.vassar.edu/~frperkin/projects.html Reports on Vassar's ecosystem, including analyses on the use of energy, pesticides, and paper products; reports on recycling on campus and Vassar's arboretum.
  • http://vassun.vassar.edu/~lohorst/ Species list for Priscilla Collins Trail, and an explanation of, "What is a wetland?"
  • http://students.vassar.edu/%7Eiarossma/Farm_Herps.htm A Herpetology Project by Ian Rossman (’01) on Vassar’s Preserve (the Farm)

  • Local Environmental Organizations: