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Gender Differences in Candidate Preference
  ~Polls through 27 October
  ~Following the first presidential debate, 30 September

One obvious reason why political polls should routinely break their results down according to gender is that male and female respondents, on balance, can and often do have different candidate preferences. Another is that women constitute the majority of registered voters—52%-53%; and the percentage of women among those registered voters who bother to vote in the upcomming presidential electionwill almost certainly be this large or larger.

Yet it is only a few polls that report a gender breakdown. Listed below, without commentary, are the results of the nine polls of this sort that have been conducted since early July. Below the table are two displays showing the same gender breakdowns in graphic form. The results of further polls with gender breakdowns will be added as they appear.

Polls through 19 October

Following the first presidential debate, 30 September
ABC News Poll: N=531 registered voters nationwide who watched the presidential debate.
"Who, in your opinion, won the debate?"

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