The Pantagraph THE PANTAGRAPH (Bloomington, IL.)
February 29, 2000, Tuesday SECTION: Editorial; Pg. A10
HEADLINE: Just a thought ...
BODY: Beauty is certainly in the eye of the beholder. While so many people are concentrating on the appropriateness of the attire of servers at Bloomington's Hooters restaurant, hasn't anyone noticed how ... ummm ... out of place ... the building appears to be? Snuggled among offices with brick facades is this architecturally-deprived building with the bright orange neon lights giving the appearance that a UFO has landed at the east end of Washington Street.
Wednesday SECTION: Editorial; Pg. A10
HEADLINE: Be grateful to men who don't patronize Hooters
BODY: Where are those men? I noted with interest the small gathering of NOW women who protested the opening of the Hooters restaurant. I wondered (about) the impact that group would have on the management of the restaurant and concluded it would be negligible. I also wondered what group of persons would have an impact on the management. The group of persons who would have an impact on the management of Hooters would be a group that would represent a mirror image, so to speak, of their main patrons - men. Where are those men who would never step foot in that restaurant because of their personal convictions? Where are those men who are repulsed by the image that restaurant represents? Where are those men who would never want to see the women in their lives exploited in this manner? Where are those men who will stand in the gap and make a difference to women in society? Where are those men who will protest as other men enter that establishment? Where are those men who will act on their convictions and personal integrity? Where are those men? From one female who would be grateful to those men. Deb Nelson Atlanta LANGUAGE: ENGLISH LOAD-DATE: February 9, 2000