This data is formatted for Microsoft Excel 98 for the Macintosh. You will need to use an Apple computer for this assignment.
The US Census bureau collects data based on Census tracts, which are smaller than our units of analysis (the neighborhood). Therefore, there are two separate databases for this assignment.
This one aggregates data for all of Greenwich Village and the West End. Its advantages are that it is very easy to examine the characteristics of the entire neighborhood.NOTE: I have cleaned these databases up since we first looked at them in the electronic classroom session. Especially useful, I have merged all the decennial data into one worksheet, which will make for easier analysis across time. Try using these worksheets first, using the other databases to look at specific categories if needed.
Greenwich Village: GV.XLS West End: WE.XLS This one retains data for the smaller Census tracts that comprise the neigborhood. Its advantages are that it includes some already manipulated statistics (averages, proportions, etc.) and allows you to distinguish between different geographical sectors of the neighborhood. (Excel document)
Greenwich Village: GVTRACT.XLS West End: WETRACT.XLS
For further reference information on the Census database, go to the library's "Finding Census data" webpage.