Schedule of assignments and readings



August 29


August 31

Mills, C. Wright. 1959. "The Promise." Pp. 3-24 in The Sociological Imagination. New York: Grove Press.

Jacobs, Jerry A. 2021. "Sociological Curiosity: Updating C. Wright Mills." Contexts 20(3): 34-39.



September 5

LABOR DAY: no classes today.

Lareau, Unequal Childhoods, chaps. 1-5.


September 7

Lareau, Unequal Childhoods — select one of chaps. 6, 7, 8 or 11, then chap. 12.



September 12

Marx, Karl and Friedrich Engels. 2010 [1848]. Pp. 14-27 in The Communist Manifesto. Marxists Internet Archive [blog].

Weber, Max. 2005 [1925]. "Class, Status, Party." Pp. 151-162 in Max Weber: Readings and Commentary on Modernity, edited by Stephen Kalberg. Malden, MA: Blackwell.


September 14

Bourdieu, Pierre 1986. "The Forms of Capital." Pp. 241-258 in Handbook of Theory and Research For the Sociology of Education, edited by J.G. Richardson. New York, NY: Greenwood Press.

Beamish, Rob. 2019. "Class." Pp. 30-33 in Core Concepts in Sociology, edited by J. M. Ryan. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Blackwell.


September 19

Bodovski, Katerina. 2020. "Parenting, Social Class, and the College Admissions Scandal." Contexts 19(3): 40-45.

Binder, Amy J. and Andrea R. Rabel. 2018. "Symbolically Maintained Inequality: How Harvard and Stanford Students Construct Boundaries among Elite Universities." Sociology of Education 92(1): 41-58.


Campus lecture tonight: Dr. Eddie Glaude Jr., "Race & Democracy: America is Always Changing, But America Never Changes." Vassar Chapel, 6:30pm.


September 21

First pair of reading essays due. E-mail them to me by the beginning of class.



September 26

DuBois, W.E.B. 2007 [1903]. "Of Our Spiritual Strivings." Pp. 1-7 in The Souls of Black Folk. New York: Oxford University Press.

DuBois, W.E.B. 1996 [1899]. Chaps. 1-2, 16, 18 in The Philadelphia Negro: A Social Study. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.


September 28

Ray, Victor. 2022. "Structural Racism" and "Colorblind Racism." Pp. 17-47 in On Critical Race Theory: Why It Matters & Why You Should Care. New York: Random House.

Bonilla-Silva, Eduardo. 2014. "The Strange Engima of Race in Contemporary America" and "Peeking Inside the (White) House of Color Blindness. Pp. 1-24, 151-177 in Racism Without Racists: Color-Blind Racism and the Persistence of Racial Inequality in America, 4th ed. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.



October 3

Collins, Patricia Hill and Sirma Bilge. 2016. "What is Intersectionality?" and "Intersectionality and Identity." Pp. 1-30, 114-135 in Intersectionality. Malden, MA: Polity.

Hirsch, Jennifer S. and Shamus Khan. 2020. "Sexual Projects, Sexual Citizenship, and Sexual Geographies" and  "Gender and Beyond." Pp. xiii-xxi, 228-251 in Sexual Citizens: Sex, Power, and Assault on Campus. New York: W.W. Norton. 


October 5

Kao et al., The Company We Keep, chaps. 1-2.


October 10

Kao et al., The Company We Keep — select either of chaps. 3-6, then read chap. 7.


October 12

Second pair of reading essays due. E-mail them to me by the beginning of class.


October 15-23




October 24

Simmel, Georg. 1950 [1908]. "The Stranger." Pp. 402-8 in The Sociology of Georg Simmel, edited by K.H. Wolff. New York: Free Press.

Bueker, Catherine Simpson and Teal Rothschild. 2022. "Global by the Seaside." Contexts 21(2): 24-29.


October 26

Morales-Giner, Pilar and Christina Ramos. 2022. "The Migration and Climate Change Nexus." Contexts 21(2): 31-35.

Pedroza, Juan Manuel. 2022. "Uneven Migration Enforcement." Contexts 21(2): 60-63.



October 31

Karl Marx, The German Ideology: A. Idealism and Materialism (1846). Read from "First Premises of Materialist Method" through "History: Fundamental Conditions."

Karl Marx, The German Ideology: B. The Illusion of the Epoch. Read "Ruling Class and Ruling Ideas."


November 2

Weber, Max. 1999 [1922]. Selections from "Domination and Stratification." Pp. 28-46 in Max Weber: Sociological Writings, edited by Wolf Heydebrand. New York: Continuum.

Weber, Max. 2005 [1922]. "The Bureaucracy (I): External Form." Pp. 194-198 in Max Weber: Readings and Commentary on Modernity, edited by Stephen Kalberg. Malden, MA: Blackwell.

"Max Weber's Theory of Rationalization: What it can Tell us about Modernity." 2016. Thoughts on Existence [blog], August 13.



November 7

Durkheim, Emile. 1997 [1893]. Selections from The Division of Labor in Society. New York: Free Press.


November 9

Durkheim, Emile. 1951 [1897]. "Anomic Suicide." Pp. 241-276 in Suicide. New York: Free Press.


November 14

Third pair of reading essays due. E-mail them to me by the beginning of class.

Metzl, Dying of Whiteness.


November 16

Metzl, Dying of Whiteness.



November 21

Morris, Aldon. 2021. "The Power of Social Justice Movements." Scientific American, February 3. 

Fischer, Claude. 2022. "Americans Continue to Associate. For What Cause?" Made In America (blog), July 5.

Klinenberg, Eric. 2018. "The Social Infrastructure" and "Common Ground." Pp. 1-24, 147-176 in Palaces for the People: How Social Infrastructure Can Help Fight Inequality, Polarization, and the Decline of Civic Life. New York: Crown. 


November 23

Miller, Claire Cain, Josh Katz, Francesca Paris and Aatish Bhatia. 2022. "Vast New Study Shows a Key to Reducing Poverty: More Friendships Between Rich and Poor." New York Times, August 1.

Opportunity Insights: Social Capital Atlas.





November 28

Schrank, Zach. 2022. "Visualizing the Anthropocene From Above." Contexts 21(2): 44-51. 

Tabishat, Tala. 2022. "How Clothes Harm the Environment." Contexts 21(1): 54-56.

Sbicca, Joshua. 2020. "The Urban Agriculture Fix: Navigating Development and Displacement in Denver." Pp. 93-110 in A Recipe For Gentrification: Food, Power, and Resistance in the City, edited by A.H. Alkon, Y.Kato and J. Sbicca. New York: NYU Press.  


November 30

Marlon, Jennifer, Liz Neyens, Benjamin Everett-Lane, Seth A. Rosenthal, Edward Maibach and Anthony Leiserowitz. 2022. "How Do Climate Change Views Differ by Generation?" Generation (blog), July 22.

Schiffman, Richard. 2022. "For Gen Z, Climate Change Is a Heavy Emotional Burden." Yale Environment 360 (blog), April 28.

Ro, Christine. 2022. "How Climate Change is Reshaping the Way Gen Z Works." BBC, March 1.

Auriffelle, Deborah McCarthy and Catharine Fleming. 2022. "Parenting for Environmental Change." Contexts 21(1): 26-31.


December 5



December 7 (last regularly scheduled class)

Fourth pair of take-home essays due. E-mail them to me by the beginning of class.


Sunday, December 11 (last day of study period)

Research agenda essay. E-mail it to me by 5pm.



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