Karaoke Home

Political Economy Essay



Culture Essay

Viewing Karaoke through different lenses produce different analyses. In each analysis different players in the Karaoke Night are emphasized and explored. The political Economy perspective points out the role that the bar owner plays. The owner is divulged as being interested primarily in the economic benefits that a Karaoke Night brings to his/her establishment. This is parallel to the experience of the landlord in any political economic description of the real estate business. In “Urban Fortunes” by Logan and Mollotch we are given a description of the landlord as responding to market demand and changing his behavior if and when it will be profitable(Logan and Mollotch, 1988). Like wise, in the running of a bar, the owner responds to the phenomenon of Karaoke because they see by example that it will make them money.
The other important players from a political economic standpoint in Karaoke Nights are all of the people who are indirectly affected by the Karaoke night. In other words, what repercussions are felt from the Karaoke Night by people who do not necessarily attend the themed space are explored. This takes into account the way the people who might potentially live in the area are affected by the changes in the bar and the community that Karaoke Night causes. It also takes into account how the surrounding area and the informal economy of the surrounding street and neighborhood is affected by the increase of people on the streets at night because of the bar activity.
Using a cultural perspective to analyze the Karaoke Nights we are able to understand the draw that the consumers feel to go to the Karaoke night. This is a perspective that is important in that without it there would be no way to critically look at the bar patrons actions. They seem just like a toy of the bar operators device in the political economic approach. When we take into account culture we can see that the Karaoke singer is receiving benefits. They are not just willingly filling the pockets of the bar owner without reaping any rewards. They are receiving an added value to their money when they spend it on entertainment and drinks at a Karaoke Night.
The Karaoke industry tells us something interesting about global relationships on a broad level. Karaoke is an example of multiple flows of information that are happening globally. The flow of people exposed travelers to Karaoke abroad and that concept was able to work its way to all corners of the globe. The flow of technology has allowed shared knowledge between countries and has produced the high level of technology know how that allows for such things as the digital Karaoke box. Manuel Castells refers to these movements in the modern world as the space of flows (Castells, 2002). Karaoke is a modern day example of the globalized economy and culture that we live in today. Karaoke is a concept that has traveled around the world. Without the network and communication that has come along with globalization we in the United States would never be experiencing a trend that was born in developed in a far off city in Japan.
This movement of Karaoke from one nation to another is also an example of what Short and Kim refer to as cultural globalization (Short and Kim, 1999). This concept is one observed in many developed and developing cities today. This is the phenomenon of cities gradually taking on shared characteristics. This goes for almost anything that could be in a city. It can refer to similar styles of architecture that city planners adopt so that you may no longer easily be able to tell whether you are in the downtown of Tokyo, Japan or New York City, USA. It also refers to cities beginning to offer the same amenities. Karaoke is a sure example of this. A Karaoke lover would have no trouble finding a bar that offered Karaoke in most cities in Europe, China, the United States of American, or in the original site of Japan. This is a prime example for how the theme space of Karaoke is shaping the theories of Urban Theory by changing the truths of cities.
One last observance about the nature of Karaoke and its relation to the world is that it can not be simplified to the simple act of people liking sing-alongs. Karaoke is related to many of the important urban changes in the modern world. It is related to the technology innovation that is becoming increasingly expected by the consumer and thus important to capitalism. It is related to the flow of money, information, ideas and everything else that has been opened up to movement by advanced capitalism and globalization. It is related to pop culture, high culture, and the laborer. In a word, it is related to the everyday experiences of you and me.