CREDITS Laura Sproch and Lauren Weinstein put numerous hours into the creation of this website. We first sat together and after much debate decided on the theme space Barnes and Noble. We continued the process by individually outlining our thoughts and research on each of the required essays. We then compared and combined our notes, thoughts, and research findings. Then, we took those notes and individually wrote out 1 of the three essays independently. Laura Sproch wrote out and typed the Political Economy essay and Lauren Weinstein did the same for the Cultural essay. We then edited each others works and added any last minute ideas to each other's written essay. We wrote the synthesis essay together and then individually edited the writing. Together we created the visual design of this website. As neither of us are computer literate, we needed the support of each other in order to get through the making of the site.
*** We also needed the help of, and must give credit to, a few literary works as follows: "Barnes and expands". (November 22, 2002). "Barnes and Noble Financial Website". (November 22, 2002). Chung. Judy et al (eds.), The Harvard Design School Guide to Shopping (Taschen, 2002). Logan, John and Harvey Molotch, Urban Fortunes (University of California Press, 1987). Steinberg, Jim. (November 22, 2002).