
February 22 -

April 3


Morality and Deviance

Thursday, February 22

Durkheim, "What is a Social Fact?"

Durkheim, "Rules for Distinguishing the Normal and the Pathological," especially section iii [hand-out]


Recommended readings

Collins and Makowsky, chap. 6 in The Discovery of Society [available at reserve library only]

Giddens, chap. 6 in Capitalism and Modern Social Theory [available at reserve library only]


Questions to guide reading

1. How does a social fact run counter to the idea of individualism?

2. How are normal and pathological not subjective or value-laden concepts?



Tuesday, February 27

Durkheim, pp. 1-87 of The Division of Labor in Society

David Kline, "Community," "Sharing Work With Children" and "The Value of Love" [hand-out]

We Should Witness the Death of McVeigh (editorial by Thomas Lynch, New York Times, February 20, 2001).


Recommended readings

Lewis Coser, "Introduction " [pp. ix-xxiv in Durkheim's The Division of Labour in Society]

Giddens, chap. 5 in Capitalism and Modern Social Theory [available at reserve library only]


Questions to guide reading

1. What is the public issue that motivates Durkheim's analysis of the division of labor?

2. Why does the punishment of crime take on a sacred quality under mechanical solidarity?



Thursday, March 1

Film: The Battle of Algiers 



Tuesday, March 6

Durkheim, pp. 88-125, 154-165 of The Division of Labor in Society

Japan Wonders What Became of Quality Control (By Howard W. French, New York Times, September 9, 2000) [free registration is required to read this]


Questions to guide reading

1. Is individualism the "religion" of organic solidarity? How does its function differ from religion under mechanical solidarity?

2. How do contracts morally regulate individuals under organic solidarity?




Thursday, March 8

Durkheim, "Anomic Suicide" [chapter 5 in Durkheim, Suicide: A Study in Sociology, available on reserve library only]

Durkheim, "Moral Education in the Schools" [hand-out]


Recommended readings

Giddens, chap. 7 in Capitalism and Modern Social Theory [available at reserve library only]


Questions to guide reading

1. How is anomic suicide a modern problem?

2. How does discipline in school morally "attach" children to society?



FALL BREAK: March 10-25



Tuesday, March 27

Gaines, all of Teenage Wasteland


Questions to guide reading

1. Do the Bergen, NJ, suicides reflect anomie or alienation?

2. Did moral education fail suburbia's dead-end kids?



Thursday, March 29

Exam review: no required reading 


Recommended readings

School Shootings and White Denial (by Tim Wise, AlterNet, March 6, 2001)

No One Left to Hate: Averting Columbines (Interview with Elliot Aronson, New York Times, March 27, 2001) [free registration is required to read this]



Tuesday, April 3

Take in-class exam or turn in observation paper.




January 18 - February 20


April 5 - May 1

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