Acceptable journals to find articles for
methodological critique and comparison paper


Journal title

Library call number

American Sociological Review
American Journal of Sociology
British Journal of Sociology
International Journal of Contemporary Sociology
International Journal of Sociology
International Review of Modern Sociology
Qualitative Sociology
Sociological Inquiry
Sociological Focus
Sociological Quarterly
Social Psychology
Social Psychology Quarterly
Environment and Behavior
Journal of Social Psychology
Sociological Forum
Social Problems
Sociology of Religion
Journal of Social Issues
Social Forces
Journal of Marriage and Family
Journal of Urban Affairs
Urban Affairs Review
Rural Sociology
Work and Occupations
Crime and Delinquency

HM1 A75
HM1 A7
HM1 B86
HM1 I5
HM1 I56
HM1 I58
HM1 Q34
HM1 S644
HM1 S657
HM1 S683X
HM1 S69
HM1 S8
HM1 S82
HM206 E5
HM251 A1 J6
HM403 S63
HN1 S58
HN51 A51
HN51 J6
HN51 S5
HQ1 J48
HT101 J65
HT101 U67
HT401 R94
HT675 S6
HV6001 C69
HV6001 N2


Tips for finding articles

Remember, this article can count as one of the two articles you need to review in your research proposal. Choose an article based on how it fits the subject of your research proposal, not how convenient it is to find (e.g., because it's online). Try searching from the Social Sciences Citation Index of the library's "Web of Science" electronic database; if your search turns up too many references, limit it by entering some of the journal titles above in the "source title" field.

Not all articles published in research journals are bona fide empirical studies; many are theoretical discussions, reviews of other people's research, or other kinds of articles besides those which test a hypothesis using empirical data. Watch out for articles that are part of "Special Issues," "Forums" on special topics, "Responses" to particular authors.

If you're not sure whether your article fits these criteria, and/or you want to use one from another journal, show me your article.


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