Wednesday, January 22
Monday, January 27
Neil Brenner, "Stereotypes, Archetypes, and Prototypes: Three Uses of Superlatives in Contemporary Urban Studies," City & Community 2.3 (2003): 205-216.
Harvey Zorbaugh, The Gold Coast and the Slum (University of Chicago Press, 1929), chaps. 1-2.
Wednesday, January 29
Zorbaugh: choose one of chaps. 3-8 to present in class, then all read chap. 11.
Monday, February 3
Propose case study for your Chicago school response.
J.T. Walker, "Social Disorganization," in The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Urban and Regional Studies, edited by A.M. Orum (Wiley, 2019).
Elijah Anderson, "Toward Knowing the Iconic Ghetto," in The Ghetto, edited by Ray Hutchison & Bruce D. Haynes (Westview, 2012), 188-214.
Loic Wacquant, "A Janus-Faced Institution of Ethnoracial Closure: A Sociological Specification of the Ghetto," in The Ghetto, edited by Ray Hutchison & Bruce D. Haynes (Westview, 2012), 75-128.
Wednesday, February 5
Alan Gilbert, "On the Absence of Ghettos in Latin American Cities," in The Ghetto, edited by Ray Hutchison & Bruce D. Haynes (Westview, 2012), 191-224.
Peter Marcuse, "De-spacialization and Dilution of the Ghetto: Current Trends in the United States," in The Ghetto, edited by Ray Hutchison & Bruce D. Haynes (Westview, 2012), 129-187.
William H. Frey, "Today's Suburbs are Symbolic of America's Rising Diversity: A 2020 Census Portrait," Brookings (blog), June 15, 2022.
Monday, February 10
Chicago school response due.
In-class film: "The City" (1939, dir. Ralph Steiner & Willard Van Dyke).
Wednesday, February 12
Robert Fishman, "Urban Utopias in the Twentieth Century: Ebenezer Howard, Frank Lloyd Wright, and Le Corbusier" (1982), in Readings in Planning Theory, 4th ed., edited by Susan S. Fainstein and James DeFillipis (Wiley Blackwell, 2016), 23-50.
James C. Scott, "Authoritarian High Modernism" (1996), in Readings in Planning Theory, 4th ed., edited by Susan S. Fainstein and James DeFillipis (Wiley Blackwell, 2016), 75-93.
Monday, February 17
Form groups for paradigm city project.
Jane Jacobs, The Death & Life of Great American Cities (Vintage, 1961), chaps. 1-6.
Wednesday, February 19
Jacobs: chaps. 7-12.
Herbert Gans, "City Planning and Urban Realities," Commentary 33 (1962): 170-5.
Monday, February 24
Plan for paradigm city research due.
Sharon Zukin, Naked City (Oxford University Press, 2010), Introduction and chap. 3.
Michael Kimmelman, "How Can We Save the Best Parts of Our Cities?" New York Times, November 30, 2024.
Wednesday, February 26
John Logan and Harvey Molotch, Urban Fortunes (University of California Press, 2007), chaps. 1-2.
SPECIAL EVENT: Wednesday, February 26, 5:30pm
Campus lecture by Elijah Anderson: "The Cosmopolitan Canopy: Challenges for Civil Society."
Monday, March 3
Receive take-home midterm questions.
Logan and Molotch: chaps. 3-5.
Wednesday, March 5
In-class capital investment role play.
Friday, March 7 (day before spring break)
Take-home midterm due.
March 8-23: SPRING BREAK
Monday, March 24
Capital investment role play brief due.
Henri Lefebvre, "From the City to Urban Society" (1970), in The Urban Revolution (University of Minnesota Press, 2003), 1-22.
Henri Lefebvre, excerpts from The Production of Space (Blackwell, 1994 [1974]).
Wednesday, March 26
Rowland Atkinson and Liam O'Farrell, "Libertecture: A Catalogue of Libertarian Spaces,"
Urban Studies 61.14 (2023): 2686-1702.
Monday, March 31
Annotated bibliography and individual research briefs for paradigm city project due.
David Harvey, "The Urban Process Under Capitalism: A Framework for Analysis," International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 2.1-3 (1978): 101-131.
David Harvey, "From Managerialism to Entrepreneurialism: The Transformation in Urban Governance in Late Capitalism," Geografiska Annaler Series B: Human Geography 71.1 (1989): 3-17.
Wednesday, April 2
Neil Smith, "Gentrification Generalized: From Local Anomaly to Urban 'Regeneration' as Global Urban Strategy," in Frontiers of Capital, edited by Melissa S. Fisher and Greg Downey (Duke University Press, 2006), 191-208.
Neil Brenner and Christian Schmid, “Towards a New Epistemology of the Urban?” City 19.2-3 (2015): 151-182.
Monday, April 7
Jennifer Robinson, "Ways of Knowing the Global Urban," in Comparative Urbanism: Tactics for Global Urban Studies (Wiley, 2022), 25-51.
Rajyashree N Reddy, "The Urban Under Erasure: Towards a Postcolonial Critique of Planetary Urbanization," Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 36.3 (2018): 529-539.
Wednesday, April 9
Monday, April 14
Group presentations for paradigm city project.
Wednesday, April 16
Group presentations for paradigm city project (cont.).
Monday, April 21
Michel Foucault, pp. 1-16, 135-69, 195-228 in Discipline and Punish (Pantheon, 1977).
Wednesday, April 23
Phil Hubbard, "Introducing Cities and Sexuality" and "Public Sex," in Cities and Sexuality (Routledge, 2012), 1-32, 91-118.
Monday, April 28
Michel DeCerteau, "General Introduction" and "Walking in the City," in The Practice of Everyday Life (University of California Press, 1984), xi-xxiv, 91-110.
Wednesday, April 30
Nazgol Bagheri, "The Emancipated Flaneuse in Tehran's Shopping Malls," in Walking in Cities, edited by Evrick Brown and Timothy Shortell (Temple University Press, 2016), 83-99.
Jonathan Crisman and Annette Kim, "Property Outlaws in the Southland: The Potential and Limits of Guerrilla Urbanism in the Cases of Arts Gentrification in Boyle Heights and Street Vending Decriminalization in Los Angeles," Urban Design International 24(2019): 159-170.
Monday, May 5
Final research paper for paradigm city project due.
Receive take-home final questions.
Tuesday, May 13 (last day of study period)
Take-home final due. |