David Kennett

I am a Professor in the Department of Economics at Vassar College, in Poughkeepsie, New York. I also serve as Director of the Program in International Studies.

I served as Chair until June 2000, but now Paul Johnson has taken over. In the Fall of 2000 I taught Economics 248, International Trade and the World Financial System. In the Spring of 2001 I will offer Economics 367, Comparative Economics and Economics 260, The Economics of Imperialism. The most current reading lists for all of my courses are available by linking to the course numbers below. You should also be able to follow links on the reading lists to some of the readings, problem sets, examinations etc

How to reach me:

Email: kennett@vassar.edu



Office Hours for the Spring Semester, 2000

Biographical Information

You can get a fairly full and current Curriculum Vitae here.

Degrees Awarded:

Ph.D. Columbia University, 1976

M.Phil Columbia University, 1974

B.A. University of Sussex, England, 1969

Recent Publications:

Current Research Interests: U.S. European trade and investment, Soviet and East European economic transformation.